Anne Arundel County Pro Bono Committee
Meeting Agenda November 27, 2023 @ 12:15
In attendance: Tasnima Apol, Joanie Bellistri, Alex Athans, Golnaz Alemousari, and Erin Gable.
• Approval of Minutes - Minutes 2023 09 25 draft - on hold until next meeting
• Education and Outreach - on hold until next meeting
• Membership - on hold until next meeting
• Projects
- Family Law Skills and Study Group - on hold until next meeting
- Lawyer in the Library - volunteers needed Jan - jun 2024
Pro Bono Opportunities - on hold until next meeting
• Old Business
- AACC Clinic and Legal Workshops. Met with Ashley Rogers of AACPL Glen Burnie Library. The library will assist with signing up for the clinic. Looking a the possibility of creating a "Lawyers on the Go" program using the Severn Library mobile unit. Walk-in service for expungement, family and housing. Others should contact Morgan to make an appointment so he can make sure they have an attorney who is familiar with the issue.
- Affordable Law Task Force
Limited licensing (use of paralegals) discussion on hold due to MCLE discussion.
- Eviction collateral issues assistance - on hold until next meeting
- Mini Grant for FY24 is live:; applications are now being accepted!
- Standing Committee FY24 grant request
- Zoom
- Calendly
- Recognition event/recruitment retreat
- date - weekday in May - check for dates with Judge Schaeffer and SIRI and Standing Committee
- place - AACPL Michael Busch - make reservation 90 days ahead
- funding - grant request
- program
New Business
- MCLE(Recommendations include 12 hours of CLE with one hour for wellness, one for DEI and one for ethics. There has been some discussion concerning the possibility of incentivizing pro bono by allowing pro bono hours to substitute for CLE hours. see:
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 4:00 p.m., the Supreme Court will hold an online forum to receive brief, verbal comments on the final report and recommendations of the Workgroup to Study Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (“MCLE”) in Maryland. The forum will be livestreamed on the Court's webcast page. Anyone wishing to speak at this forum should, by close of business on December 11, send an email to the Clerk of the Court at requesting information on how to join the online forum.
NEXT MEETING: January 14, 2024
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