
Finding an Attorney - Criminal Cases

Page history last edited by Joan Bellistri 11 months ago

The Law Library cannot recommend a specific attorney but can provide the following information and referrals. 


Video: Hiring and Working with Your Lawyer https://mdcourts.gov/video/selfhelp/hiring-and-working-your-lawyer

Tip Sheet: https://mdcourts.gov/sites/default/files/import/video/docs/tipsheethiringworkingwithlawyer.pdf 


Video: Finding Help in a Criminal Case (VIDEO) https://mdcourts.gov/video/courthelp/finding-legal-help-criminal-case 

Tip Sheet:  https://mdcourts.gov/sites/default/files/import/video/docs/tipsheetfindinglegalhelpcriminalcase.pdf 


Criminal Cases (in general - includes "How do I find a lawyer to defend me?"


Public Defender Eligibility Brochure


How to Apply for Eligibility for the Public Defender or Pre-Trial Private Home Detention Monitoring Program





AABA Lawyers Referral Service – hire an attorney ($35.00 charge for initial meeting)


Civil Justice, Inc. — statewide referrals include referrals for full representation, limited scope and reduced fee (443-853-1011) and access to the Maryland Justice Passport tool


Office of the Public Defender for Anne Arundel County


Commercial resources include:













OR go to the FAQs in sidebar @ aacpll.pbworks.com 




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