Anne Arundel County Local Pro Bono Committee
Minutes for the Meeting of July 27, 2011
Law Library Conference Room
Attending: Hon. Pamela North, Bill Davis, Anita Bailey, Shaneka Henson, Lisa Sarro, Chris Brown, Andy Vernick, Joan Bellistri, Fran Czajka, and AABA President Hon. Richard Duden.
Local Pro Bono Committee
Membership recruitment
Anita Bailey introduced Shaneka Henson of the YWCA who, with Ann Potthast, will be the second legal service/pro bono organization representative. This means that the Committee is in compliance with Maryland Rule 16-902. Joan Bellistri was asked to be the chair and she agreed.
Plan evaluation and review
The 2004 plan was reviewed and discussed. Changes and additions were suggested and include the following. Foreclosure should be added as a new issue and resources should be noted. HERO should be deleted from the list of existing legal resources. The Family Law Self Help Center, Glen Burnie District Court Self Help Center and the Lawyer in the Library program should be added. A link to the online directory at the People’s Law Library should be added as well. The need for a list of pro bono attorneys and cases they are willing to take that judges could access when attorneys are needed for a particular case was discussed. MVLS will be contacted to see if this could be handled through a partnership with them.
Programs and Projects
National Pro Bono Week
Programs/events include service, recognition and the advertising of pro bono opportunities.
Lawyer in the Law Library extended service:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12 - 6
Recognition Luncheon\Reception\Legal Aid Birthday Cake
Meet the Judges and Pro Bono in Anne Arundel County
PBRC video
Andy Vernick to speak on the rewards of helping people
presentations by pro bono providers: PBRC, MVLS and Legal Aid
remarks by Judge Duden and Judge North
AABA Crab Feast Pro Bono and Pro Bono Week advertising campaign
Easel with Pro Bono “sign up” easel for Pro Bono Week and interest in general
Distribution of Pro Bono information card
Anne Arundel County Government Attorney Pro Bono Service: Model Policy
Joanie reported that the SAO has an informal policy allowing pro bono service and that the Office of Law will consider the possibility of rescinding the prohibition of pro bono service by Office of Law attorneys.
Barrister Column to highlight “stars” and providers/opportunities
It was decided that an article should be written detailing Anne Arundel County’s pro bono standing with information on how Anne Arundel County attorneys can volunteer. Joanie agreed to write the article. Future articles will encourage pro bono work by highlighting opportunities and detailing how attorneys can volunteer for various programs.
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