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Minutes 02-29-2012

Page history last edited by Joan Bellistri 12 years, 5 months ago

Anne Arundel County Local Pro Bono Committee
 Minutes of the Meeting February 29, 2012
Law Library Conference Room


Attending: Joan Bellistri, Anita Bailey, Chris Brown, Chris Poulsen, Shaneka Henson, Judge Eileen Riley and Ray Pinkham.


Minutes of 01/11/2012 were approved. 


Local Pro Bono Committee


 Pro Bono Recruitment - results of the ANASYS Report for 2010 were reviewed.  It was noted that Anne Arundel County's standing has improved.


Joanie will contact MVLS to see if there has been an increase in the number of Anne Arundel County attorneys taking cases.


 Programs and Projects


          Pro Bono Recognition Luncheon

There was a good turnout of attorneys and judges, and the food was great (thanks to the efforts of Bill Davis and the Main Ingredient). 


           Anne Arundel County Government Attorney Pro Bono Service

Joanie reported that the Anne Arundel County Attorney stated that he agreed with the current Executive Order prohibiting pro bono service by staff attorneys and was not interested in meeting to discuss the possibility of changing the current policy.


            Ask A Lawyer in the Library

Policy and procedures  were discussed and edited.  The finished product will be sent to all of the Ask a Lawyer in the Library volunteers.


Homeless Resource Day 2012 


Volunteer Recruitment


Lisa Sarro called to say that she has signed up 5 volunteers already,  Joanie will contact volunteers from years past and those who expressed an interest.  More volunteers will be needed in the morning this year as it was a bit overwhelming last year.


Expungement Training and HPRP Assistance


The Homeless Persons Representation Project has offered to provide training on the exungement process. Joanie will contact them to arrange a lunch time training.  Chris Poulsen will invite some of the other service providers who might be interested. HPRP staff will also be there to help with expungements on March 31.


Judicial Component


Judge Reilly reported that Judge McKenna approved the proposal to have judges on-site to review requests for filing  fee waivers to accompany petitions for expungement.  She will contact Judge McKenna so that he can work with Judge Davis-Loomis who thinks that having a judge on-site presents a problem.  Bill Davis has been working with Judge Davis-Loomis to prepare acceptable waiver forms for use with the expungement petitions.  We would be able to file the waivers and petitions the following Monday.  Anita Bailey suggested that the "one page long Financial Statement" might be required by the circuit court. She will give the form to Joanie so that it can be uploaded to the wiki Expungement page. (It is there with all of the other forms that might be needed.)


Chris Poulson mentioned that the Arundel House of Hope and the Stanton Center addresses can be used by the homeless who are filing a petition.


          Barrister Column to highlight “stars” and providers/opportunities.


Joanie will write an article about the Pro Bono Recognition luncheon. 


Ideas for future articles include highlighting the pro bono work of an Anne Arundel attorney, a description of the MVLS pro bono process including the how-tos of termination of the representation, and Homeless Resource Day. 


Partners for Justice Conference, May 9, 2012, Joint Meeting of the Local Committees and the Standing Committee.


Anita will most likely be able to attend in addition to Joanie who will be attending as a Standing Committee member. 



Next Meeting : March 28, 2012??


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