
Minutes 03-28-2012

Page history last edited by Joan Bellistri 12 years, 9 months ago

Anne Arundel County Local Pro Bono Committee
  Minutes of the Meeting of March 28, 2012
Law Library Conference Room

Attending: Hon. Pamela North, Bill Davis, Shaneka Henson, Joan Bellistri, Anita Bailey, Lisa Sarro and Chris Poulsen. 


Approval of Minutes: Minutes 02-29-2012 were not approved.


Local Pro Bono Committee


                Annual Report Update submitted to the State Standing Committee was reviewed


                 Pro Bono Recruitment  - MVLS and PBRC 


 Programs and Projects


            Ask A Lawyer in the Library

                        Court Program and Public Library Program  Policy and procedures will be sent to attorney volunteers.


Homeless Day 2012


OPD will bring intake applications and will be able to do intake on-site.  Legal Aid will have intake forms as well for those that would qualify and cannot be helped on-site.

              Walk Thru

Legal was in RM 106 at the walk-thru but the checklist map has legal in  Rm 104.  Joanie will make sure that everyone has the right information before Saturday.

              Volunteer Recruitment - benefits?

Legal Aid attorneys will be able to cover most of the benefits questions.

              Expungement Program - forms and procedure

Bill Davis will check with Judge Davis-Loomis to verify which waiver of prepayment of costs should be used.  Lonni and Jessica will bring expungement forms and booklets.  Joanie will bring copies of the waiver forms.


MSBA Elder Law Day Senior Center "Ask a Lawyer"

     Joanie will send information to the "ask a lawyer" volunteers and refer Elena Boisvert to Lisa Sarro


          Barrister Column to highlight “stars” and providers/opportunities

               An article on the pro bono luncheon will be in the April issue.  An article about Homeless Day should follow.


New Business:


Judge North mentioned that she will be having lunch with an attorney who would like to explore having a training for pro bono attorneys willing to represent "unaccompanied" children who are in the country illegally without a parent.  Attorneys are needed to help with the process of getting the child a guardian.  With a guardian the child could qualify for a green card and eventually, citizenship.  This would be more of a Maryland family law case rather than immigration.  Judge North will have more details after the meeting in April.  The Committee would be interested in sponsoring the training.




Next Meeting: April 25, 2012

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