
Agenda 10-23-2013

Page history last edited by Joan Bellistri 11 years, 3 months ago

Anne Arundel County Pro Bono Committee

Meeting Agenda for October 23, 2013

Law Library Conference Room


Approval of Minutes: 09/25/2013 


I. Local Pro Bono Committee


A. Plan Review - wiki collaboration


B. Annual Report - PBRC schedule and to Hon. Nancy Davis-Loomis


II. Programs and Projects


A. Guardians for unaccompanied children - update



B. Appointment of Child's Counsel - update



C. Lawyer in the Library Intake Sheet


D. Education and Outreach


1. Information to SRL - "How to get an attorney"

a. Court Mailings:

Referral Sheet reveiw

District Court - Judge Reilly

Circuit Court - Judge North


2. Pro bono opportunity information to the bar

Inns of Court and Judge Silkworth's Chambers Chats


AABA functions - Young Lawyers

Meet the Judges program


3. Barrister Column to highlight “stars” and providers/opportunities


4. Self Help Workshops\Videos - How a case will proceed, etc.

a. lunch/meeting with bench


E. Family Law Self Help Center volunteers regular days and for 1/2 days




F. Pro Bono Recruitment

1. MVLS and PBRC programs

2. Local referral service

a. Investigate Mid-Shore Model - report Joanie and Michelle


G. Pro Bono Week 2013

1. People's Law Library

2. Pro Bono Poster / Information Session

3. Bench and Bar (Local Committee) discussion on SRL needs/topics for guides - will try to schedule later







Next Meeting: November 27, 2013 is the night before Thanksgiving and the next 4thWednesdsay is December 25

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