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Minutes 10-23-2013

Page history last edited by Joan Bellistri 10 years, 6 months ago

Anne Arundel County Pro Bono Committee

Minutes 10-23-2013

Law Library Conference Room


Attending: Lisa Sarro, Joan Bellistri, Chris Poulsen, Hon. Pamela North,  and Michelle Moodispaw.


Approval of Minutes: Minutes 09-25-2013 approved


I. Local Pro Bono Committee


A. Plan Review - wiki collaboration - ongoing


B. Annual Report - PBRC schedule and to Hon. Nancy Davis-Loomis - in process


II. Programs and Projects


A. Guardians for unaccompanied children - update



Chris Poulsen is working to get accurate numbers for a true picture of homeless students.


B. Appointment of Child's Counsel - update



Judge Wachs will no longer be the Family Law Judge.  Judge North will talk to Judge Kiessling who is the new Family Law Judge to see if she wants to pursue the project.


C. Lawyer in the Library Intake Sheet - Lisa will send a copy of the one used by Legal Aid.


D. Education and Outreach


1. Information to SRL - "How to get an attorney" / Legal services directory

a. Court Mailings:

Referral Sheet review

District Court - Judge Reilly reported that the brochures will be made available to SRLs but will not be mailed

Circuit Court - Judge North reported that Judge Davis-Loomis will first check with the State Court Administrator to see if the directory sheets can be mailed.  Until then, the court will ask Clerk of the Court, Robert Duckworth, is the brochures can be made available at the file room counter.  Judge North if they could also be made available for distribution in the courtroom.


2. Pro bono opportunity information to the bar

Inns of Court and Judge Silkworth's Chambers Chats - nothing to report

AABA - nothing to report

AABA functions - Young Lawyers - nothing to report

Meet the Judges program - Fran will let us know if there will be another "Meet the Judges - Pro Bono" event in the spring.


3. Barrister Column to highlight “stars” and providers/opportunities - Pro bono week article was sent for this month's Barrister.


4. Self Help Workshops\Videos - How a case will proceed, etc.

a. lunch/meeting with bench - There was no response from the bench but the Committee can pursue for another date.


E. Family Law Self Help Center volunteers regular days and for 1/2 days - nothing to report 


F. Pro Bono Recruitment

 Joanie and Michelle visited Mid-Shore Pro Bono in Easton and met with Director, Sandy Brown, who described how that pro bono referral service works and how it is funded.  There was discussion concerning the need for a 501c3 and whether to investigate partnering with the AABA or creating a separate entity which will be explored further.  


G. Pro Bono Week 2013

Pro Bono Week activities included the sponsorship of the People's Law Library Write-In and a  Pro Bono Poster / Information Session in the Law Library. 


New Business:


A. DSS 100,000 homes.

Chris Poulsen mentioned that there will be a survey of the homeless population on November 18, 19 and 20 for a vulnerability study to identify those in danger of death, a medical emergency and those who should be at the top of the list for housing.   This should result in a list for use by all providers who provide housing.   


Next Meeting: November 27, 2013 is the night before Thanksgiving and the next 4th Wednesdsay is December 25.  Will see if the 2d or 3d Wednesday will work instead.


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