AACPLL FAQs > Emergency Relief
The following is a list of resources available in the Law Library. It is not exhaustive and is intended only to provide background information for library patrons. It should not be regarded as legal advice.
Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Family Court Help Center - in-person services
8:30 am - 4:30 pm, M-F (closed 1:00 pm -2:00 pm)
Maryland Court Help Center
phone (410-260-1392) and online chat services ( https://www.mdcourts.gov/helpcenter/mchc )
8:30 am - 8:00 pm, M - F
See also:
Domestic Violence
Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Procedure for Emergency and Ex Parte Requests
Emergency hearings occur at 1:30pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
To receive emergency relief, you must be able to sufficiently show that there is imminent risk of substantial and immediate physical harm or harassment to a party or minor child. Meaning a child or party was recently at risk of serious harm, not speculative harm, but actual harm.
To receive an Emergency hearing you must do the following:
1. Contact the other party or parties at least 24 hours before the hearing.
Hearings occur at 1:30pm Monday/Wednesday/Friday, so by 1:30pm Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday. Notice must be given to all parties. Notice to the other party or parties must be through the method specified and contain the court’s specific address and all other information detailed (see notice requirements in the Motion for Emergency Relief paperwork). Lack of notice or incomplete notice to all parties involved may result in the Court denying your request.
2. Complete all of the necessary paperwork (see list at the end of this packet) and file by noon the day of the hearing, or the day before if you have a Fee Waiver.
3. Appear with the other party in the civil clerk’s office, first floor (Room 100), before 1:30pm on the day you desire to be heard, having already provided notice to the other party or parties and having completed and filed the necessary paperwork as indicated above.
4. Be prepared to show evidence that a party or child is at risk of imminent harm, speculation of harm is not enough.
5. File a Complaint or Motion with your Emergency request – Motion to Modify Custody, Complaint for Absolute Divorce, Complaint for Custody, etc.
An Emergency Hearing, if granted, only results in a temporary order. You are filing one of the above pleadings at the same time or prior to the Motion for Emergency Relief to request permanent relief.
If you are granted Emergency relief this order is temporary, you must proceed with the rest of your case until you receive a final order, which provide permanent relief. If your case is dismissed before receiving a final order, your temporary Emergency order is no longer enforceable, unless specified for a certain amount of time.
Motion for Emergency Relief FORMS:
1. AACoCirCt_Motion_EmergencyRelief_2020 rev2020 (8).docx (must be filed with one of the following)
2. Custody Packet OR Custody and Visitation Modification Packet OR Divorce Packet
OR go to the FAQs in sidebar @ aacpll.pbworks.com
Per the text of Poster in the Family Law Self Help Center created by Amanda Eden, Esq., Legal Aid Bureau (2014).
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